Puja Paath Jaap Katha Civil Regeistered Marriage Celebrant Hindu Priest Services Indian Pandit in Melbourne

In Indian culture, Puja has been an integral part of day to day living. Since ancient Vedic times, Indians have devised a celestial means to worship and honor the Divine and thereby, receive some blessings. These blessings could be simply for Spiritual development or for some mundane achievement. Generally, it is seen that majority of the rituals are developed in order to negate the ill affects of karmas and planets. These rituals are developed to achieve specific objectives.

These rituals or Karmakanda are immensely vast in its type. Infact, it can be well said that for every problem or issue that a person can face, there is a corresponding Puja to counter it. These rituals are performed on a variety of occasions, places and frequency. In a micro level it is performed daily at home and at temples. However, at macro level it is performed on special occasions like festivals at public places like temples and open grounds. These rituals can even range from once in a life time event like Birthday or Wedding Ceremony in contrast to daily, fortnightly, monthly, occasionally or seasonally conducted rituals. These can be performed by an individual or he can be assisted by the Priest. Assisted rituals are considered best since the Acharya knows the authentic procedure in order to achieve the results. Therefore, depending upon the type of worship an individual prefers, the Priest performs the respective Puja for him. Hindu Priest Acharya Prem Bhatt from Melbourne, is one such erudite and authentic personnel who is trained to yield the perfect results from these rituals. He performs more than 80 types of Puja. However, for the ease of comprehension we have categorized the rituals performed by Acharya into 6 types. These categories furthermore contain more detailed rituals. The categories are:


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